Tinnitus Treatment

tinnitus young man discomfortDo you experience ringing, buzzing, or hissing in your ears? If so, you’re not alone. This condition, called tinnitus, affects more than 50 million Americans. Most people report their tinnitus as a fleeting nuisance after a loud concert or during very quiet times. However, approximately 3% of the population experiences tinnitus as something that compromises their overall well-being.

Tinnitus has many causes, ranging from low-risk to severe: ear wax all the way up to serious neurological disorders. It is believed that tinnitus is initiated by damage to the inner ear cells, which are responsible for the transmission of sound. The damage often results from recreational noise exposure, the aging process, or certain medications. Medical conditions, like temporomandibular joint disorder and neck and spine problems can also contribute to tinnitus.

Although you perceive the ringing sounds to be coming from your ears, brain imaging studies have illustrated that tinnitus has more to do with the areas in the brain that process sound. The brain’s neural hearing regions adapt to the decreased information flow from the malfunctioning inner ear cells and actually re-arrange themselves.

Tinnitus is a serious problem for some, while others seem like they’re able to ignore it. This is because the brain’s emotional activity centers show increased activity in those with tinnitus. A person’s emotional “fight or flight” reaction to tinnitus ultimately dictates how they respond and how troublesome they find it to be.

The Diverse Causes of Tinnitus

Tinnitus has a broad spectrum of causes, ranging from benign to severe, encompassing various factors that contribute to its onset and persistence. One of the primary factors linked to tinnitus is exposure to loud noise. Prolonged or sudden exposure to loud sounds, such as music concerts, machinery noise, or explosions, can lead to damage to the delicate hair cells within the inner ear. These hair cells are essential for converting sound vibrations into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound. When they are damaged, they can send erratic electrical signals to the brain, resulting in the perception of phantom sounds – the hallmark of tinnitus.

Apart from noise-induced damage, other factors like age-related hearing loss can also contribute to the development of tinnitus. As we age, the hair cells in the inner ear naturally deteriorate, affecting our ability to hear high-frequency sounds and, in some cases, leading to the emergence of tinnitus. Additionally, certain medications, particularly those with ototoxic properties, can harm the auditory system and trigger tinnitus as a side effect.

The Intricacies of Tinnitus and the Brain

Beyond the auditory system, tinnitus has been associated with a range of medical conditions. Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, has been linked to tinnitus. Similarly, issues related to the neck and spine, such as misalignments or injuries, can also contribute to tinnitus by impacting blood flow and nerve signaling to the auditory system.

Recent advances in neuroscience have illuminated the intricate relationship between the auditory system and the brain in tinnitus perception. While the perception of tinnitus seems to originate in the ears, research using brain imaging techniques indicates that the brain’s auditory processing regions play a significant role. The brain’s attempt to compensate for reduced sensory input from damaged hair cells leads to neuroplastic changes, where neural circuits reorganize themselves in response to the altered input. This neuroplasticity can either amplify or suppress the perception of tinnitus, contributing to the variability in how individuals experience and cope with it.

The Emotional Dimensions of Tinnitus

The emotional aspect of tinnitus is crucial in understanding its impact on individuals. Brain regions associated with emotions, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, exhibit heightened activity in people with tinnitus. This heightened emotional response can influence how bothersome the tinnitus is perceived to be. For some, the constant presence of ringing or buzzing sounds can trigger anxiety, stress, or even depression, further exacerbating the condition’s negative impact on their quality of life.

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Tinnitus

In conclusion, tinnitus is a multifaceted condition with a myriad of underlying causes, spanning from environmental factors like noise exposure to physiological changes associated with aging and various medical conditions. The interplay between the auditory system and the brain’s neural networks is central to the perception and management of tinnitus. As researchers delve deeper into the intricate mechanisms involved, there’s hope for the development of more targeted treatments that address the diverse factors contributing to tinnitus and its emotional toll on individuals. If you’re among the millions affected by tinnitus, seeking professional help from audiologists, medical specialists, and therapists can provide valuable guidance and support on managing this complex condition.

We Can Help Relieve Your Tinnitus Symptoms

At Harbor Audiology, we provide patients in the greater Puget Sound with effective management techniques that make living with this condition much easier. First, we’ll conduct an assessment of your condition to find the cause of your tinnitus. Sometimes, upon discovering the cause, we can treat it directly and the symptoms will disappear completely. In other cases, we use a combination of options to diminish your suffering, such as:

  • Hearing aids –
    because tinnitus often accompanies hearing loss, the use of hearing aids can benefit by enhancing hearing and covering up (masking) the ringing sensation. Most hearing aids also have additional tinnitus support features. These can be discussed with your Audiologist at any time during your hearing aid experience.

About Tinnitus

Tinnitus, while perceived in the ear, actually occurs in the brain. Tinnitus occurs when there has been some damage to the auditory system – either by noise, illness, mediation or head trauma. There is no cure for this condition. Statistics show that one in five people suffer from tinnitus. Tinnitus is also the leading service-connected disability that veterans return home with.
There are a variety of sounds and combinations of sounds that people perceive as tinnitus. It may be ringing, buzzing, white noise, crickets or bells. The onset and cause varies. Regardless of how it began and what it sounds like, tinnitus can range from a bothersome condition to a debilitating one, impacting not only the day–to–day lives of the individuals affected, but their families and loved ones as well.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one suffers from tinnitus, we can help! Schedule an appointment today at the Harbor Audiology to receive your hearing evaluation. We have eight convenient locations, in Port Angeles, Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Sequim, Silverdale, Federal Way, Longview, and Vancouver, Washington.